
Palekastro, Crete: Fun Hiking Tour and Charming Suites

Either you walk, hike, run, or stroll, your body benefits from these physical activities. Not only it is a stress-reliever, hiking also keeps you safe from developing an anxiety. Take your daily routine to the next level! Of how? Well, a plane ticket to Crete wouldn't hurt your savings account at all. There are many ways to live a simple life in Crete to achieve your #fitnessgoals and your #hikinggoals. Rent off a room in Kouremenos, a small settlement in Sithia, Crete. And the rest, is either almost free or definitely free for you to enjoy!

Today, we will be covering the gorgeous gorges for your future hiking activity in Crete. All amateur and pro hikers are welcome to beat off our hiking challenge. But make sure to keep in mind the golden rules in hiking. The most important one is, hike at your own risk!

Crete offers the most interesting gorges and nature paths. Just think of your time alone to wander at these natural sites. Fresh air, clean surroundings, and the unspoiled yet charming view. Join us in exploring the top gorges and paths that are waiting for you to be navigated. You ready? 

1. Karoumes Gorge
Walking hours: 1.5 hours (3.5 km)
The Karoumes Gorge shows off steep cliffs and more of the 'bumpy' ride. Every leg cramp is going to be worth it especially if at the end of the trail, there's the Karoumes beach waiting for you to splash its waters off. The trail will start in Palekastro to Zakros to Cochlakies village to the refreshing Karoumes Bay. Enjoy the Karoumes beach all to yourself because no one gets to this secured beach without passing to the Karoumes Gorge first!

A stroll at the Karoumes Gorge.

The counterpart of the Karoumes beach is the ever popular Kouremenos beach that is ideal for divers.

2. Valley of the Dead
Walking hours: 2-3 hours (2.5 km)
The most popular gorge in Crete is no other than the Valley of the Dead. No, there is no human-flesh-eating zombies in here but the site is actually a valley of dead since it's the place where the Minoan cave burials were laid. Despite the creepy name of the gorge, it attracts the most number of tourist in a day. The trail starts in Zakros village to the Minoan Castle in Zakros also known as the Kato Zakros. There will be 2.5 km of easy trail, so it would take at least 2 to 3 hours of time to reach the end of it. The natural beauty and archaeological importance of the trail make it the best for you and your hiking buddies.

The Dead Valley Gorge in Crete.

3. Richtis Gorge
Walking hours: 4 hours (4 km)
Richtis Gorge is remotely sandwiched between Sitia and Agios Nikolaos. You'll experience a lot of adrenaline rush activities in hiking the Richtis Gorge trail. The 4 kilometer-trail will stretch your physical capabilities. You'll pass by footpaths, cliffs, wooden ladders, stone-made stairs, slippery and muddy tracks, and you will cross rivers too. That sounds a lot of pain. But it also sounds FUN, right? Don't worry about your struggle, it's temporary anyway. Cheer up because there's a really high waterfall waiting for you once you have surpassed all these hiking challenges! 

The Richtis Gorge in Crete.

We understand that hiking thru these gorges will make your back ache and your whole body to be fatigued. Those are just proof that you really did work it off to set off your hiking goals. So we thought it would be helpful to send you to the Olive Coast Suites in Crete for a pamper day after conquering these monster trails! A warm welcome and a comfortable and safe place to stay are some of the highlights of your stay at the Olive Coast Suites. You can relax and sleep it off a day of your staycation in Crete at the lovely and homey ambiance of the hotel. 

A cozy living room at the Olive Coast Suites!

There's no better way to celebrate your victory than satisfying your deluxe cravings of a comfortable place to stay, which is the Olive Coast Suites in Crete


The Ancient Minoan Site in Crete and Extravagant Kouremenos Crete Hotel

Are you planning to spend your holidays in Crete? Well, that may be the best thing you'll do as a favor to for yourself. Can you imagine yourself dwelling into the strong waves at the Kouremenos beach in Palekastro? How about stepping down the Minoan site in Rousolakkos? Traveling to a new place gives you more happiness and contentment in life, as proven by a research! So why don't you prepare your personal stuff and don't forget your passport, okay? And let's see the fresh kind of life waiting for us in Palekastro, Crete! Bon voyage, indeed!

A kitchen and a dining area at the Olive Coast Suites in Crete!

Visiting Palekastro works out the best for holiday lovers and independent travelers. It is a tranquil village away from the mainstream touristy crowd of the other towns in Crete. As Palekastro is a large yet traditional town, there are only a few hotels such in Kouremenos Crete. For Palekastro offers an untouched natural beauty near the Kouremenos beach- one of the most popular beaches in Crete that has most of the accommodation in it. In fact, the most suggested hotel according to Tripadvisor is the Olive Coast Suites in Crete, a must visit posh hotel for everyone. It offers access to the Kouremenos beach  as well as the Chiona beach. Other interesting sites are close to the Olive Coast Suites too such the ancient Minoan Palekastro site in Crete. The Olive Coast Suites provides a secure and aesthetic spot for you to rest and recreate! A beautiful lux hotel with all you need in it, could you possibly ask for more? Enjoy the fresh start of your holidays at the Olive Coast Suites in Crete!

A cozy interior of a living room at the Olive Coast Suites.

Visiting the Ancient Minoan Town in the East Coast of Crete

Who's up on hitting the ancient Minoan town in Rousolakkos, which is only a few kilometers away from Palekastro? You are! If you are looking for a natural historical site in Crete that lets you explore a lot of excavated sites without an admission fee, this place should serve you right!

What is a Bronze Age Town? 

The ancient Minoan site is composed of quarries, cemeteries, individual houses, and small settlements of early locals in town. There are ossuaries greatly scattered at the place. Ossuaries are simply stone buildings that have been built to store grave goods and bones of dead people in the locality. As excavations were started in 1902, a lot of artifacts were found in the area, the ones that tell the background of the Palekastro and Crete's history. From potteries to stone clay figures, ancient bowls, and other household tools and equipment were all found in the Minoan site. There are also materials that describe the way the men and women dress as well as how they style their hair.

An ongoing excavation of the Minoan site, Palekastro.

The ancient Minoan site is also known as the Bronze Age Town, as the locals call it. Palaces, tombs, and cemeteries are few of the settlements you'll find here upon strolling. It is an open-air site, so make sure to be up here early in the morning to keep you away from the scorching hot sun. Overall, it is a total wonder that is worth wandering by you and your friends. Have fun getting to know the Bronze Age Town, the ancient Minoan site only found in Crete!